• Cookies policy

This cookie policy applies to all websites and applications for mobile devices belonging to WINGS Sp. z o.o. Spółka komandytowa.
By using the sites and applications you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy. If you do not agree to our use of cookies, you should change your browser settings properly or opt out of the use of websites and applications.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that are saved and stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone while you visit different websites on the internet. A cookie usually contains the name of the website from which it comes, the "lifespan" of the cookie (that is, its lifetime) and the accidentally generated unique number used to identify the browser from which the website is connected.

What do we use cookies for?
WINGS Sp. z o.o. A limited partnership uses cookies for a variety of purposes: make websites and applications run faster and easier to use to better match content and ads to your expectations and interests, and to collect anonymous, aggregated statistics that help improve the functionality and content of pages and applications . By using cookies in the manner described above, we never identify users' identities based on information stored in cookies.
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